Swissness: Small country – Big image

“Exclusivity, quality, reliability, seriousness and international recognition” – the entire world associates these positive values with Switzerland. Swissness is a big trend and many cosmetics manufacturers use this designation of origin as a sustainable positioning and profiling strategy on the intensely competitive world markets. But what has to be considered when labelling a product with a symbol that refers to Switzerland?
“Switzerland” is equated with top quality and consumers are prepared to pay more for it. The results of the Swissness Study, conducted by the Institute for Marketing at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and htp St. Gallen Managementberatung AG in cooperation with GfK Switzerland and McCann Erickson, show that “Swiss origin” is highly valued worldwide. Switzerland is regarded as politically stable, trustworthy, internationally respected and highly traditional. This positive perception of Switzerland, the country, plays a central role in the perception of Swiss products. Consumers perceive products from Switzerland to be high quality, sturdy, exclusive, reliable and yet also more expensive than products from other countries. This high price, however, is understandable and even expected among buyers because the products deliver exclusive and high-quality performance.
It is little wonder, therefore, that the majority of Swiss companies use Swissness as co-branding. The brand Switzerland, as simple as it sounds, is now the strongest brand of Switzerland. In terms of pure value, it is worth millions, but it is not for sale. And what nobody owns, basically everyone wants to use. So, we can expect to see more advertisers trying to push or overstep the boundaries of what is permitted.
The Swissness legislation is expected bring this trend onto a more clearly defined track, and pursues two main objectives: one is to provide better protection nationally and internationally for the designation “Switzerland” and the Swiss cross, and the other is to develop precise regulations on the designation “Switzerland” and the Swiss cross to achieve greater clarity and legal certainty.
Have also a look at our article «Swissness – Legislation».
Benefiting from the positive value of “Swissness”
Switzerland, the brand, has an outstanding reputation and a growing number of companies are distinguishing themselves and their products with the claim of Swissness. The Swiss seal of quality is as valuable for cosmetics as for any other product: “In other countries, Swiss Label represents an extra degree of trust that can be met with higher prices,” says one leading Swiss cosmetics manufacturer.
Adding Swiss Label to a product, however, is only one of many ways to benefit from the value of Swissness.
To make the Swissness of a product stand out, one can playfully use the colours red and white on the packaging and even in the formulation. Red scrub particles could be used in a white formulation, for example, as an imaginative use of Swiss colours in face and body scrubs.
Those who make a direct or indirect indication of Swiss origin on their products can market their products better. While Swissness is no guarantee of success on its own, it does act as a proof of credibility that boosts a product‘s perception of being especially high quality, luxurious and reliable.

Claudia Dür
Social Media Manager
Stories - Nature - Movement. These three words have the greatest meaning in my life.
As a passionate communicator, I am responsible for social media at IMPAG. In addition, I write various contents for our communication activities in the area of personal care. I love stories, constructive exchange, open discussions and teamwork. In my spare time you meet me and my family always in motion, be it biking, climbing and hiking in the mountains or surfing in the waves of the Atlantic.
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