Iron oxide – from classic to speciality! Iron oxide – from classic to speciality!
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Iron oxide – from classic to speciality!

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Iron oxide – from classic to speciality!

Florian Gitzelmann

Senior Sales & Product Manager


+41 43 499 25 56E-mail LinkedIn

If we consider the application fields of plastics, paints, coatings, and building materials, the uses of iron oxides are widely known and well established. Iron oxides are highly popular, due in no small part to their economic attractiveness.

We offer our customers innovative and attractive product solutions that stand out above all for their technical advantages. These advantages can also be seen in our customer-specific developments. Together with our Asian supply partner, we offer this development service for iron oxides, and thus meet the demands of both large-scale consumers and small businesses.

Whether for roof tiles, 3D-printed concrete, facade panels, mortars, architectural paints, industrial coatings, plastic masterbatches, plastic packaging, etc. – the range of applications for iron oxides is broad and growing in popularity.


Paints and Coatings

Iron oxides are known for their very high resistance to light and weather. This is why they are used so often in outdoor applications. Our comprehensive product range allows us to offer the entire colour spectrum and at the same time to meet specific technical requirements. Our inorganic pigments can be used in both water-soluble and solvent-based systems. With micronized iron oxides, we also offer advantages in terms of dispersibility and colour intensity. 


Building materials

Iron oxides are used as colour-boosting pigments in many types of building materials. These can be roof tiles, facade panels, mortars, concrete, or plasters – the range of applications is broad and new product segments are continually being discovered. In addition to their impressive technical properties, iron oxides also offer great advantages from an economic perspective by making it affordable to manufacture sophisticated and high quality products. For any applications that require it, we also offer heat-resistant iron oxides that remain colour stable even at process temperatures of up 800 °C. 



In the plastics sector, our portfolio is mainly geared towards plastic processors and compounders. Many plastics such as PVC, EPDM, SBR, and even colour masterbatches and many of our building materials are coloured with iron oxides.

Thanks to their excellent dispersibility, outstanding weather resistance and durability, they put the colour in many sports floors for amateur and professional use.


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