Boiler water treatment: increasing efficiency and longevity Boiler water treatment: increasing efficiency and longevity
Written by Pascal Werder

Boiler water treatment: increasing efficiency and longevity

Boiler systems are a central component in many industrial operations. They are used to produce hot water or steam, and there is no way that heat energy generation would work without them. The quality of the boiler water is a crucial factor for ensuring the efficiency, longevity, and safety of an industrial plant.

Inadequate treatment of boiler water can lead to problems such as deposits, corrosion, and foaming, which in turn shortens the lifespan of plant equipment, lowers efficiency, and sends energy costs skyrocketing.

Therefore, routine water quality testing is essential for the long-lasting operation of boiler systems. The parameters pH, conductivity, and acidity are among the most important measurements to check regularly and, if necessary, to treat.

Being specialized in optimizing boiler water quality, we guarantee high constant performance of boilers systems. If needed, we carry out an onsite water analysis and create a nonbinding treatment concept. We make use of products that are well known and firmly established in the industry.



Products and advantages

Using the right product selected for the specific plant in question offers the following advantages:

  • Increased boiler efficiency: deposits and corrosion are avoided by ensuring optimal heat transfer, which increases the efficiency of the boilers.
  • Longer boiler life: protecting against corrosion and harmful influences prolongs the service life of the boiler.
  • Energy and cost savings: more efficient boilers consume less energy and thus reduce the operating costs while having a positive effect on the company’s carbon footprint.


Learn more


There are a wide range of solutions for boiler water treatment. Typical products include:

  • Corrosion inhibitors: to protect the metallic components of the boiler and piping systems against corrosive influences.
  • Antiscalants: to prevent limescale and other deposits that could impair heat transfer.
  • Biocides: to prevent microbial growth in the boiler water.
  • Defoamers: to reduce foam formation and ensure stable operation of the plant.

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