Avalanche™ – white without titanium dioxide Avalanche™ – white without titanium dioxide
Written by Emanuel Hitz

Avalanche™ – white without titanium dioxide

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Avalanche™ – white without titanium dioxide

Valentino Levak

Sales & Product Manager


+41 43 499 25 28E-mail LinkedIn

Titanium dioxide E171 will no longer be authorised as an additive by the EU as of 7 August 2022. This now also influences the legal situation in Switzerland and calls for corresponding alternatives.

We have application-specific options to colour your products white without TiO₂ according to your requirements. Our food technologists will be happy to assist you with the change.

Titanium dioxide is brilliant white and has a low reactivity. Achieving a brilliant white without the use of titanium dioxide has therefore always been a challenge. Most alternative solutions involve compromises and are only suitable for certain applications. 
However, the new ruling changes the underlying premise: EFSA re-evaluated titanium dioxide E 171 on the basis of current research and cannot rule out a harmful effect on health.  According to Article 2 of COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2022/63: "Until 7 August 2022, foods manufactured in accordance with the rules in force before 7 February 2022 may continue to be placed on the market. After that date they may remain on the market until their date of minimum durability or use-by date.". This will also be included in the European Parliament Regulation (EH) No 1333/2008. Switzerland will adopt this proposal.
Our partner Sensient Technologies has already several years of marketexperience with "Avalanche™" - "the new white".

The innovative Avalanche™ range is a comprehensive portfolio of various application-specific alternatives to titanium dioxide. 

The Avalanche™ range offers strong coverage and brightening effects. It is proven in a range of applications including confectionery, instant drinks, sauces and pet food.


Watch Sensient Webinar now (Recording)


Our food technologists will be happy to help you identify the optimum product from the Avalanche™ range and prepare the ingredient list of your products for the upcoming legislation.

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