Only a few years ago, veganism was seen as a niche and unconventional lifestyle. Today, more and more people are choosing a meatless diet, as well as consciously choosing natural cosmetics free from ingredients of animal origin. As a result, the vegan cosmetics market is dynamically developing.
Health risks, increased poverty, endangered species and sites... There are many examples of the effects of global warming. Modern consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their consumption, and are looking for ways to reduce their waste and consumption in all areas of their daily lives. Consumers are also becoming increasingly expectant of brands to show the same level of commitment towards eco-responsibility, and the demands are rising all the time.
Healthy, gleaming hair is regarded as graceful and seductive and is a beauty dream of many women. It is therefore little wonder that women, and increasingly also men, are constantly on the lookout for the perfect care that makes their hair even glossier, shinier and more beautiful than ever.
The wellness trend is a clear sign that many people have recognized the importance of taking time to recuperate. Using luxurious cosmetic products offers consumers an easy way to recover at home from the stressful routine, to put in some resting time, to pamper themselves, and to relax.
Der weltweite Wohlfühltrend ist einer der wichtigsten Impulsgeber des Körperpflegemarkts. Doch Wellness ist nicht nur ein Trend, der sich in fast allen Lebensbereichen widerspiegelt – Wellness ist eine Lebenseinstellung, die sowohl Körper als auch Seele nähren soll: Sich verwöhnen, Kräfte sammeln, die Batterien wieder neu aufladen, sich Zeit nehmen und die schönen Dinge des Lebens geniessen.